Creamy Chicken Tagliatelle with Fried Sage and Walnuts

Creamy Chicken Tagliatelle with Fried Sage and Walnuts


  • 2 chicken breasts (diced)
  • 400g fresh tagliatelle 
  • 200ml cream
  • 1/2 sachet of Esk Valley + Wild Fennel Co. mustard – onion – tarragon seasoning
  • 1 glass of Esk Valley Artisanal or Estate Chardonnay
  • 1 handful of chopped kale
  • Zest of one lemon
  • 50g chopped walnuts
  • 10 fried sage leaves
  • Olive oil for cooking

 Method - serves 4:

First get a deep saucepan of water on to the heat ready to cook the fresh tagliatelle. Whilst that is coming to a rolling boil take a large non-stick frying pan and heat it to a medium to high heat. 

Add a good glug of the oil to the frying pan and then start to gently fry the diced chicken. Once it has caramelised on all sides, sprinkle with half a sachet of the Esk Valley + Wild Fennel Co. mustard – onion – tarragon seasoning, lemon zest and then the glass of white wine. Stir and allow to reduce by half. 

Next add the cream, bring to the boil, then turn down to a low heat and allow it to reduce and thicken whilst you next cook the pasta.

Place the fresh pasta into the boiling water and cook for 8 minutes. Drain through a colander and add to the cream sauce along with chopped kale.

Stir the ingredients so everything is evenly coated in the rich creamy sauce then serve in to 4 large bowls. 

To finish sprinkle with the chopped walnuts and fried sage leaves.

Chef’s tip - to fry the sage crisps heat olive oil in a small frying pan on a low heat. Pop the sage leaves in, no more ten at a time, and then allow them to fry gently until crisp. Drain them on paper towel once finished and sprinkle with little sea salt.

Best paired with: 

  • Esk Valley Artisanal Chardonnay
  • Esk Valley Estate Chardonnay
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